Project licence

The process begins with a thorough analysis of the housing project in question. We assess the feasibility of the project and carry out a detailed review of the plans, technical documentation and any other relevant requirements. Based on this assessment, we develop a strategic plan and timeline for obtaining the necessary licenses.

Our team is in charge of compiling all the required documentation, including construction permits, plans, environmental impact studies and any other necessary report or certificate. We make sure that all documentation is complete, accurate and complies with the standards and regulations established by the competent authorities.

Once the documentation has been compiled, we manage the process of processing the licenses before the corresponding bodies. We take care of submitting all the required documents and diligently follow up to ensure that the approval process runs smoothly and within the established deadlines.

Throughout the process, we maintain constant communication with our clients, keeping them informed of the status of the licenses and any additional requirements that may arise. We provide expert advice in case you need modifications or adjustments in the initial documentation, working together to solve any problem that may arise.

The primary objective is to facilitate the process of obtaining licenses for housing projects, eliminating the administrative and legal burden that it entails. By trusting our service, architects and builders can focus on the execution of their projects, knowing that they have a dedicated and professional team in charge of all aspects related to licensing and documentation.

We are proud to provide a reliable and efficient solution to ensure that housing projects are developed in accordance with current legal regulations.

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